When You Might Need a Second Opinion on HVAC Repairs & HVAC Installation
When your air conditioner breaks down or it is time to replace it, a quick call to a reputable HVAC company is often the answer. Sometimes, however, ordering an extensive repair or an installation leads to more questions than answers. Maybe the unit is cooling well in the main areas, leaving one room exceptionally hot. Or, maybe you start to notice that parts are wearing out sooner than they should, the number of repairs doesn’t match your expectations, or the repair estimate you received just exceeded the national debt. If you are not receiving answers, a second opinion from a completely different HVAC contractor can give you information you need to move forward. (See our post on what to look for when hiring an HVAC company.)
Consider the following situations we’ve encountered:
Air Conditioning Not Cooling; Owner Refusing to Fix It
A woman renting a condo in the Sugar Land area contacted us because she could not get her landlord to fix her unit’s air conditioner. She had a medical need and was unsure what to do after making many requests. After an inspection of her system, we determined that the outdoor condensing unit that had been recently installed by a maintenance professional was incompatible with the indoor air handler. This was the cause of the air conditioner not cooling properly. Using this information, this renter was able to advocate for herself, explain in detail what repairs were needed to fix the cooling problem, and ensure that the owner oversaw a proper repair to restore cooling to her home.
Homeowner Not Receiving Answers; Orders Inspection
We were called out by another Houston, Texas homeowner who was not receiving answers from their technician. They had recently completed an extensive remodel to their older home, and wanted some changes their HVAC technician refused to make. They took the tack of hiring us to perform an HVAC inspection, and we learned that the new equipment was improperly installed. In this case, we were able to advise the homeowner on what fixes were needed to preserve their factory warranty and bring the HVAC equipment up to spec. We shared the equipment manuals, too, so they and their original contractor would have what they needed to make an effective fix. We explained that adding extra vents was possible, though likely their contractor would charge an additional fee through a change order. A change order is a standard procedure that outlines what additional materials, labor, and cost may be needed. Change orders are approved by the contractor and homeowner prior to any work beginning, so everyone has clear expectations before work continues.
Brand-New Units Not Heating; Need an Outside Expert to Fix
In the Memorial area, we were called out by a homeowner who had multiple high-end, ultra efficient Carrier furnaces installed in their new, custom home. Unfortunately, the equipment would not operate correctly leaving the homeowners chilly and wearing extra coats and sweaters. This HVAC contractor could not fix the problem and was out of options. They advised the homeowner to find a Carrier expert to troubleshoot the problem. As a Factory Authorized Dealer and specialist in fixing problems others say can’t be fixed, Terry’s A/C and Heating was called out to get to the root of the problem. We found that the furnaces were incorrectly installed according to Carrier installation manuals presumably because this HVAC technician had not installed this equipment previously. Factory-authorized dealers are required to undergo extra training over and beyond what Texas HVAC Licenses mandate. Extra training benefits the homeowner because equipment is installed correctly the first time and problems are easier to spot and rectify.
We Can Help
An HVAC inspection by a licensed professional and factory-authorized dealer like Terry’s A/C and Heating can give you a second opinion to get to the bottom of a perplexing problem with your air conditioning or heating equipment. We can also arm you with information when buying or selling a home. Inspections are designed to thoroughly diagnose the problem or determine the relative health or longevity of your HVAC equipment, give you access to your equipment manuals and warranty information if you do not have them, and suggest a course of action in the event a repair is recommended. If you live in the Southwest Houston area and are looking for a trusted HVAC partner who is a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer, committed to training, and who strives for the highest level of personal service, call Terry’s A/C and Heating at 281-495-7830. Our phones are answered 24 hours a day.