Light Commercial Air Conditioning
Whether your business’ AC is on the blink and in need of repair or you are looking to replace your light commercial air conditioning unit, count on the Comfort Professionals at Terry’s A/C & Heating to help you tame the heat and humidity that Houston is known for. In general, the types of air conditioning units in light commercial applications (15 tons or less) include an all-in-one package unit (often found on the roof), a split unit (part is outside and part is inside), and compact mini-split systems when space concerns are a premium. We can offer a variety of solutions depending on your cooling needs and your building’s unique configuration.
- Do you have an area of your office that never cools just right or another where employees need to bring a sweater to survive the summer? We can balance your HVAC system so the right amount of cool air gets to the right places and suggest solutions to keep everyone cool if your system needs a boost in one specific area.
- We offer smart thermostats to maximize energy efficiency and that give you the ability to control the temperature at the office from your smart phone 24-7. Flip it on when staff are going to be there after-hours, and turn it off when staff are out of the office at a conference.
- Is Indoor Air Quality a concern for your business? If so we offer a variety of add-on air purification systems that can help eliminate odors, germs, dust and allergens. The additional benefit is that they often extend the life of your system.
- Is worry-free maintenance and high-priority service on your wish list? We offer a Peace of Mind Protection Plan to conduct bi-annual checks and preventive maintenance to keep your AC unit operating at top efficiency. This is a perfect solution for landlords and commercial tenants properly maintaining their building’s HVAC equipment.
Contact us today and let Terry’s A/C & Heating be your personal HVAC Concierge, offering personalized service and smart advice to keep the elements at bay. It may be hot outside, but it should not be at your business! Our certified technicians sweat the technical details for maintaining and installing air conditioning systems that will keep your co-workers, employees, and customers happy. Find out what makes Terry’s A/C & Heating different from other light commercial air conditioning contractors and why our customers keep us for life.
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